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The official website of the State of Mississippi

Certified Evaluator List

The following is a resource provided for counties to work directly with a certified evaluator. If you would like to order an evaluation through Mississippi State Hospital Forensic Services please navigate to the initial evaluations tab for detailed instructions. 

The following psychologists and psychiatrists have completed the requirements to be a certified forensic evaluator in Mississippi.


Ashley B. Batastini, Ph.D. Batastini CV   

David W. Gavel, Ph.D. Gavel CV         

Amanda L. Gugliano, Psy.D. Gugliano CV

Stephanie M. Howard, Psy.D. Howard CV

William Criss Lott, Ph.D., Lott CV

Gina M. Manguno-Mire Ph.D. Mire CV

Kathryn Olson, Psy.D. Olson CV

Rob​​​ert M. Storer, Ph.D. Storer CV


Jose Artecona, M.D. Artecona CV

Amber Boutwell, M.D. Boutwell CV

Jennifer K. Bundrick, M.D. Bundrick CV

Caitlin Caveney, M.D. Caveney CV

Sarah M. C. DeLand, M.D. Deland CV

Corina Freitas, M.D. Freitas CV

Michelle Garriga, M.D. Garriga CV

John Montgomery, D.O. Montgomery CV

Jason C. Pickett, M.D., M.S. Pickett CV

Thomas V. Recore, M.D. Recore CV



MS Department of Mental Health (DMH) and Mississippi State Hospital (MSH)
Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator Requirements (2023)

1. Only currently active, licensed psychologists (by the Mississippi Board of Psychology or who have the Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) through PSYPACT) or licensed psychiatrists (by the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure) are eligible for certification as a Forensic Mental Health Evaluator in Mississippi.

2. Applicants shall complete one of three pathways to certification:
Pathway A:
- Submit proof of Board Certification in Forensic Psychology or Forensic Psychiatry to;
- Submit one redacted work sample of a competence to stand trial evaluation report and one redacted work sample of a sanity evaluation report to (the work samples can be for any state or federal court in the U.S.)*; and
- Complete a video conference (approximately 1 hour) with the MSH Forensic Evaluation Service Director.

Pathway B:
- Submit proof of previous successful completion of either a formal forensic psychology postdoctoral program or ACGME-accredited fellowship training in forensic psychiatry or previous employment at MSH as a credentialed independent forensic evaluator or previous approval as an independent contractor for forensic evaluations at DMH or MSH;
- Successfully complete (i.e., score of at least 75%) a written examination for forensic evaluator certification;
- Submit one redacted work sample of a competence to stand trial evaluation report and one redacted work sample of a sanity evaluation report to (the work samples can be for any state or federal court in the U.S.)*; and
- Complete a video conference (approximately 1 hour) with the MSH Forensic Evaluation Service Director.

Pathway C:
- Submit proof of having at least 20 hours of specialized training in forensic psychology/psychiatry (i.e., continuing education/continuing medical education credits in forensic psychology/psychiatry, individual supervision by a forensic psychologist/psychiatrist, and/or graduate level coursework);
- Successfully complete (i.e., score of at least 75%) a written examination for forensic evaluator certification;
- Complete at least ten competence to proceed legally evaluations under the direct supervision of a currently certified forensic mental health evaluator in Mississippi that are cosigned by the supervising, certified evaluator;
- Complete at least five sanity evaluations under the direct supervision of a currently certified evaluator in Mississippi that are cosigned by the supervising, certified evaluator;
- Submit three redacted work samples of competence to stand trial evaluation reports and three redacted sanity evaluation reports that were completed as part of supervision provided by a currently certified evaluator; and
- Complete a video conference (approximately 1 hour) with the MSH Forensic Evaluation Service Director.

Forensic Evaluator Certification is valid for five (5) fiscal years (The State of Mississippi fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30). Renewal of certification requires the following:
1. Continued licensure as a psychologist or psychiatrist in Mississippi;
2. Completion of at least 20 continuing education/continuing medical education credits in forensic psychology/psychiatry during the previous five (5) years;
3. Completion of a one-hour renewal certification training (can be attended in-person or online).

The Director of the MSH Forensic Evaluation Service will randomly select and evaluate a minimum of two reports* per year for each Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator to check that the minimally required content is included. Feedback will be provided for each report reviewed. If reports have egregious and/or repeated errors, then the Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator may lose their certification for one (1) year. After the one (1) year certification revocation has elapsed, the psychologist or psychiatrist may apply for re-certification at the beginning of the new fiscal year. Evaluators who lose their certification more than once are no longer eligible for certification as a Forensic Mental Health Evaluator in Mississippi. This process is to ensure the Courts that evaluations are of high quality and performed consistently statewide.

* The MSH Forensic Evaluation Service Director or his/her designee will evaluate these reports to ensure the required contents of competence to stand trial evaluation and/or sanity evaluation are included in the reports. Feedback will be provided to certified evaluators.